Waterfront Independent survey shows strong support from residents and visitors
Jersey Development Company (JDC) invited the community to feedback their views to help shape the Waterfront. These revised proposals address the issues raised when previous plans were refused.
A comprehensive survey asking for Islanders and visitors views on the proposals for the Waterfront has received strong support from the 2,190 participants who took part. 71% of respondents expressed satisfaction to the proposals set out in the survey which was carried out by independent research agency 4insight. The results of the survey represent a diverse cross-section of the island’s population, highlights community enthusiasm for plans to transform the Waterfront.

Key Highlights from the Survey
Connectivity Is Key
A resounding 95% of respondents emphasised the importance of improving connections between St. Helier and the Waterfront, reflecting the community’s desire for enhanced accessibility and connectivity.
Opening up View lines
88% of participants, particularly older residents, underlined the significance of opening up views between the new Waterfront buildings and the coast.
Young Islanders Lead the Way
Satisfaction with the proposals was highest among young people aged 16–34, with 80% expressing approval. Features promoting physical activity, such as the retention of Aquasplash, a gym, and plans for a new outdoor pool, were especially popular in this demographic.
Future Uses
Respondents showed interest in the proposed new amenities, with 80% likely to use food and beverage facilities, 77% interested in the new cinema provision, 64% public gardens, 57% outdoor pool, 42% Art Gallery, 41% AquaSplash and 20% would use the Gym.
Jersey Development Company (JDC) has invited the community to feedback their views to help shape the Waterfront. These revised proposals address the issues raised when previous plans were refused.
JDC has reviewed the five reasons for the previous Planning refusal. Three of the reasons for refusal related to public policy and infrastructure matters that were outside of JDC’s direct control. Actions and decisions taken by the Government during 2024 have concluded these matters thereby enabling JDC to bring forward the revised proposals for the Waterfront.
Survey is now closed

Public feedback
JDC has also carefully considered the feedback from Islanders on the previous plans. This feedback was primarily focused on ensuring the retention of key amenities such as a cinema, the AquaSplash swimming pool, as well as improving pedestrian access to and from Town.
The plans for the Waterfront need to comply with the relevant Planning Policies contained within the Bridging Island Plan, the Southwest St. Helier Planning Framework and the St. Helier Urban Character Appraisal.
The Waterfront Plans also need to be entirely self-funded by JDC without any Government funding. This means the returns generated from JDC’s direct development of new residential and commercial accommodation must cover the costs of the new public infrastructure and public open spaces proposed.
These photos are for illustrative purposes only and represent potential concepts for the development. They’re intended to convey the vision and style we are considering, but they are not final designs or actual project images.

These photos are for illustrative purposes only and represent potential concepts for the development. They’re intended to convey the vision and style we are considering, but they are not final designs or actual project images.
A Community Vision
JDC is committed to continuing engagement with the community throughout each phase of the Waterfront development to ensure that the proposed content and public infrastructure meets the needs of St Helier residents and the Island as a whole.
The independent survey carried out by 4insight has concluded, and the results will be published in January 2025.
Site layout map
Click anywhere on this interactive site layout to view what’s proposed for each phase. Photos are for illustrative purposes only and represent potential concepts of the development.
The site layout will evolve following engagement with the Planning Authority and the Jersey Architecture Commission, as part of the Pre-Application process. These refined proposals will be presented to the community in April 2025.
Click on the list to view what’s proposed for each phase. Photos are for illustrative purposes only and represent potential concepts of the development.

Feedback from previous consultation on the Waterfront proposals:
73% of respondents were neutral, agreed, or strongly agreed with the more developed ideas for the outdoor public space
80% of respondents were neutral, agreed or strongly agreed with the approach to improved connectivity
56% of respondents were neutral, agreed or strongly agreed that the mix of uses (housing, commercial and community) were right.
of respondents were neutral, agreed or strongly agreed that there was enough for young people within the proposals.
The two main public objections submitted to the Planning Application were:
Loss of AquaSplash pool (74% of objections)
Loss of cinema provision (40% of objections)
Our Commitment to Improvement
We have carefully reviewed these concerns and engaged with key government stakeholders to adjust the proposals accordingly. Here’s how we’re addressing the main elements:
01 New Cinema
JDC has negotiated new lease terms with Cineworld to retain them as an operator in the short-to-medium term. A new bespoke cinema offering will be incorporated into Phase 1 of the development and the current cinema will remain open until the new cinema is built and operational.
02 Indoor Swimming Pool
The revised plans will retain the current AquaSplash pool and gym.
03 Increased Affordable Housing
The States Assembly (P.37/2024) has agreed that no less than 50% of the homes at the Waterfront will be offered to first-time buyers with an assisted purchase product (of which a minimum of 15% of new homes would be available as shared equity). In addition, a minimum of 15% of the new homes will be designed to encourage and enable Islanders to right-size.
04 Connectivity Enhancements
Further analysis has reconfirmed that La Route de la Libération should remain in its current form albeit with the intention of creating a boulevard feel by introducing trees on either side and landscaping the central reservation in some areas of the road. Five connections across La Route de la Libération are proposed for pedestrians and cyclists: improvements to the two existing surface crossings, a new surface crossing, a new pedestrian bridge and the retention of the current Esplanade underpass link. This will ensure safe and accessible movement between the Waterfront and Town.
05 Design Elements
The overall site layout has been reviewed and revised. The building plots have been designed to allow increased view corridors and a number of buildings have been rotated away from La Route de la Libération, significantly reducing the number of new homes that face the road.
06 Solid Waste Management
Government of Jersey’s Planning Application to extend capacity at La Collette has also been approved, thereby providing necessary capacity for excavated waste arisings from the Waterfront. In addition, JDC will rationalise the proposed basements in order to minimise the waste arisings.
What’s happens next?
The first phase of development is proposed to include:

A new Outdoor Pool & Re-Landscaped Gardens
A new 50m heated outdoor pool is proposed with a café, sauna, changing facilities and children’s water jet play area within a newly landscaped gardens at Les Jardins de la Mer.

A new Cinema
A new bespoke cinema offering is proposed to be incorporated into the ground floor of phase 1 of the development. The current cinema will remain open until the new cinema is built and operational. The proposed new cinema would include a food and beverage offering.

Residential units
A new residential community will be focused on first-time buyers and right-sizers with easy access to all of St. Helier’s amenities. The Waterfront site is one of the most sustainable locations in the Island for new residential accommodation. Infrastructure and utilities have already been prepared to cater for new, centrally located homes on this urban brown-field site.

Improved connectivity
Five connections across La Route de la Libération proposed for pedestrians and cyclists: improvements to the two existing ssurface crossings, a new surface crossing, a new pedestrian bridge and the retention of the current Esplanade underpass link.

Ground floor activation
New ground floor activities to be agreed with the community. Uses could include: hospitality, art and culture, wellbeing, community and leisure.

Retention of AquaSplash
The retention of the current AquaSplash in order to provide continuity of indoor swimming, leisure and wellness activities for the community.
Public Car Parking
Maintaining 520 public parking spaces within the Waterfront area during the development phases.
Next Steps
Nov 2024
Community engagement
Nov 2024 to Mar 2025
Pre-application process with Planning Department and Jersey Architecture Commission
Apr 2025
Community engagement
Jul 2025
Submit Planning applications
Dec 2025
Target date for Planning approval
Parking and Connectivity
Respondents were most satisfied with the ‘parking spaces’ and ‘improved connectivity’, with average satisfaction scores of 7.9 out of 10.
Retention of Aquasplash, gym and new cinema
These components scored an average satisfaction of 7.5 out of 10 reinforcing the importance of these amenities for the community.
Outdoor Pool
Many respondents favoured a 50m pool to support swimming clubs and sports tourism, with the outdoor pool scoring an average of 7.2 out of 10.
Civic Space – Art Gallery
While respondents were least satisfied with an art gallery, scoring an average 6.4 out of 10 this new amenity scored high amongst the under 25’s and older age group.