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Waterfront Independent survey shows strong support from residents and visitors

Waterfront Independent survey shows strong support from residents and visitors

A comprehensive survey asking for Islanders and visitors views on Jersey Development Company’s

proposals for the Waterfront has received strong support from the 2,190 participants who took part. 71% of

respondents expressed satisfaction to the proposals set out in the survey which was carried out by

independent research agency 4insight. The results of the survey represent a diverse cross-section of the

island’s population, highlights community enthusiasm for plans to transform the Waterfront.

Key Highlights from the Survey

• Connectivity Is Key: A resounding 95% of respondents emphasised the importance of improving

connections between St. Helier and the Waterfront, reflecting the community’s desire for enhanced

accessibility and connectivity.

• Opening up View Lines:  88% of participants, particularly older residents, underlined the

significance of opening up views between the new Waterfront buildings and the coast.

• Young Islanders Lead the Way: Satisfaction with the proposals was highest among young people

aged 16–34, with 80% expressing approval. Features promoting physical activity, such as the

retention of AquaSplash, a gym, and plans for a new outdoor pool, were especially popular in this


• Future Uses: Respondents showed interest in the proposed new amenities, with 80% likely to use

food and beverage facilities, 77% interested in the new cinema provision, 64% public gardens, 57%

outdoor pool, 42% Art Gallery, 41% AquaSplash and 20% would use the Gym.

From a community perspective, the survey revealed strong support for specific features:

Parking and Connectivity: Respondents were most satisfied with the ‘parking spaces’ and ‘improved

connectivity’ highly, with average satisfaction scores of 7.9 out of 10.

Retention of AquaSplash, Gym and new Cinema: These components scored an average satisfaction of 7.5

out of 10 reinforcing the importance of these amenities for the community.

Outdoor Pool: Many respondents favoured a 50m pool to support swimming clubs and sports tourism, with

the outdoor pool scoring an average of 7.2 out of 10.

Civic Space – Art Gallery:  While respondents were least satisfied with an art gallery, scoring an average 6.4

out of 10 this new amenity scored high amongst the under 25’s and older age group.

While only 34% of respondents agreed the proposals could attract more tourists, this view was much

stronger among young islanders, with 60% of under-25s believing the plans would enhance tourism. This

highlights a potential avenue for promoting Jersey as a destination for younger visitors.

The survey also brought to light concerns about parking availability and a desire for the Waterfront to deliver

amenities for the wider community. Additionally, respondents who currently do not use the Waterfront

facilities expressed lower satisfaction with the proposals.

The survey methodology ensured a statistically robust and representative sample, with outreach efforts

including street interviews at key locations to engage hard-to-reach audiences, such as underrepresented

groups and young people.

JDC’s CEO Lee Henry commented: “We are really pleased to see such strong community support for the

Waterfront development proposals. This feedback underscores the importance of designing a space that is

accessible, connected, and provides amenities for all age groups. We will continue to engage with the

community to ensure the Waterfront becomes a place for everyone to enjoy.”

4insight Co-Founder and Director Dorothy Parker said: “This Waterfront research achieved an excellent

sample size of more than 2,100 participants covering a great demographic mix with good representation of

public opinion. It was particularly good to see significant numbers of both young islanders and the

Portuguese community, as surveys are often very low on responses from these groups. Designing and

conducting the survey completely independently to our professional standards gives more honest

responses and it was interesting to see the high ratings achieved for these latest proposals, (71%

satisfaction) compared to some surveys we conduct as a local engagement and research specialist

organisation.  Islanders’ views will be explored on all features/aspects of the proposals in further

professional qualitative research exploration.”

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