
An inclusive community must be one in which everyone’s right to shelter and a home is met. Whilst JDC has no social housing remit, we do deliver a mix of Shared Equity and First-Time Buyer homes, offering a phased deposit payment scheme to assist purchasers in saving for and paying across deposit funds over the build period.
Placemaking and creating sustainable new communities is at the heart of JDC and the Company’s vision is “To build a better Jersey”. It’s the process of creating well designed and quality places where people want to live, work and play.
JDC is focussed on creating quality and engaging places that are active, interesting and visually attractive, where people want to live, work and play.
The health, happiness and well-being of local people is crucial; to an area’s success and improving quality of life. Creating extensive landscaped areas and public amenities, is central to our vision for the Waterfront.
“Creating a thriving Waterfront where Islanders can live, work and play”
JDC aims to deliver a compelling Waterfront for St Helier – one that the people of Jersey can be proud of, and this is recognised internationally as an exemplar in sustainability, landscaping and architecture.
The scheme will deliver:
A climate-resilient neighbourhood with improved accessibility and connectivity
A network of pedestrian friendly streets and green spaces
Significant new community spaces including culture and leisure facilities
984 new homes
Over 65,000m2 of vibrant fully accessible public space
Opportunities for habitat creation and biodiversity enhancements.
In September 2021 the Company was accredited as one of Jersey’s Living Wage employers and the first in the property development industry.
JDC is committed to the principles of Equality, diversity and inclusion, because we believe that it is the right thing to do to support our business, our staff, our customers and the people of Jersey. During the year we refreshed our EDI Policy, extending it company wide, to create a working environment where all colleagues are treated fairly and able to give of their best.
The Company continues to maintain the extensive public areas around the Waterfront, which include Les Jardins de La Mer, Marina Gardens, Weighbridge Square and Trenton Square.
We try to ensure that activities feature highly on St Helier’s Waterfront, transforming open spaces to bring the community together and promote health and wellbeing.
The Waterfront Estate development endeavoured to improve an extensive area of land close to the seafront in St Helier. The area was transformed into attractive community spaces, with promenades, gardens and open space for the public.
With careful consideration of the community and aesthetic of the seaside location, we developed green spaces at Les Jardins de la Mer, Marina Gardens, Weighbridge Square, Trenton Square at IFC, the Waterfront Promenades and the landscaping on Route de Port Elizabeth, Rue de L'Etau and Rue de Carteret. We continue to manage these areas responsibly and sustainably, an attitude that is present in all of our developments.
Events bring public space to life. If you’d like to find out more about using our civic spaces for public or charitable events, please contact us on 617449. Email: enquiries@jerseydevelopment.je
Jersey Development Company is actively keen and supportive to see the Waterfront area used for public and charitable events. If you wish to hold an event or activity on our public areas, please contact our offices on 617449. Email: enquiries@jerseydevelopment.je